Commonwealth Youth Work Conference
The Commonwealth Youth Work Conference aims brings together key stakeholders in the youth work space to shape an inclusive and inspiring platform to celebrate and strengthen the collective impact of Commonwealth youth work and youth workers.
The fourth Commonwealth Youth Work Conference was hosted in the UK by the National Youth Agency in partnership with the CYP and CAYWA. It explored both youth work theory and practice that supports the education and development of young people worldwide; looking across the shared values, policies, methods, practices and priorities that we have in common and identifying points of difference/variation in following four themes;
Celebration and promotion of Youth Work
Collaboration, locally, nationally and internationally both within the sector and across allied sectors
Collectivism / solidarity – across geographies
Peace – Youth Work’s opportunity and involvement to encourage.
The aims of the conference:
The promotion of discussion, debate and exchange between practitioners, Ministers and other stakeholders,
Provide a platform to celebrate youth work
Provision of opportunities for all stakeholders to liaise/work with senior government officials in developing potential actions/strategies to raise the quality of youth work in Commonwealth member states and Europe,
Facilitation of the building of partnerships between European and Commonwealth where possible/appropriate,
Deliver a virtual platform to significantly widen engagement and provide opportunities for meaningful interaction for those unable to attend in person.
The next Commonwealth Youth Work Conference will be hosted in Malaysia in 2025.